vongolaprimo Hey..
eytang8@yahoo.com Hello
vongolaprimo Not here right now, sorry.
vongolaprimo You know when u said you should look at life in a more positive way?
vongolaprimo I can't do that anymore.
eytang8@yahoo.com Um
vongolaprimo This time..I really can't.
eytang8@yahoo.com ...
eytang8@yahoo.com What happened? Are you alright?
vongolaprimo I just made the biggest and stupidest mistake in my life.
vongolaprimo my mom wanted to cancel some payment
vongolaprimo so she needed her check, but she left it at home.
vongolaprimo So, she asked me to go look at her checkbook. She asked me to get the number on the check to cancel the payment
vongolaprimo So I did, but she couldn't cancel the payment because I accidentally gave her a wrong number.
vongolaprimo So I just made her lose 1,500 dollars.
eytang8@yahoo.com This isn't something you can fix?
eytang8@yahoo.com There has to be some way
vongolaprimo Apparently, we can still get the money back, but we need the money by saturday for the apartment.
vongolaprimo And we can't get the money back until the 15th of May
eytang8@yahoo.com There's still a couple- Oh, fuck
eytang8@yahoo.com It's not the worst mistake ever
eytang8@yahoo.com It'll probably only delay stuff
vongolaprimo Yeah..that's true. But my mom is so pissed right now. And she probably won't get that money back.
eytang8@yahoo.com Ouch
vongolaprimo Since I think it's the landlord's choice.
eytang8@yahoo.com Maybe she just needs to talk it over
eytang8@yahoo.com and stuff
eytang8@yahoo.com and hopefully the landlord would be willing to listen
eytang8@yahoo.com Just explain the situation and it might be fine
vongolaprimo Yeah we tried that, but the landlord is greedy as fuck.
vongolaprimo And since we signed a contract we can't do shit about it. =_=
eytang8@yahoo.com What was the check for, anyways?
vongolaprimo It was for the other apartment that we found before that apartment on Tilden.
eytang8@yahoo.com and that's a deposit or something like that?
vongolaprimo Yeah, security deposit.
eytang8@yahoo.com So why would it have to be canceled? Don't these people usually refund it if nothing bad happened?
vongolaprimo Oh we wanted to canceled it because we decided to live on Tilden.
eytang8@yahoo.com I mean, aren't they supposed to refund this stuff if there's no damage or whatever?
eytang8@yahoo.com Under Civil Code Section 1950.5, the landlord can charge no more than 2 months' rent for an unfurnished apartment as a security deposit, and 3 months for a fully furnished unit. Within 21 days after you leave the unit, the landlord must refund your full deposit, except for limited deductions.
eytang8@yahoo.com http://www.rentlaw.com/securitydeposit.htm
vongolaprimo No, we payed a security deposit to rent the place out. It's not about leaving the apartment and not getting the money back.
eytang8@yahoo.com Well
eytang8@yahoo.com What do you mean, to rent the place out?
vongolaprimo This is the security deposit for renting it out and stuff. You know like in the beginning you have to give out money and the security and deposit and stuff?
vongolaprimo Like..the payment of rent for the 1st month
vongolaprimo plus the security deposit
eytang8@yahoo.com oh
vongolaprimo Yeah.
eytang8@yahoo.com So you'd lose the payment if you don't stay there?
vongolaprimo Anyways the landlord won't give it back until he can find someone to rent the place out.
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm...
vongolaprimo That's what he said.
vongolaprimo And I think it's also a rule with apartments and stuff
eytang8@yahoo.com So maybe.... you'd just have to move later, then?
vongolaprimo Yeah but the thing is my mom needs to pay the Tilden apartment on Saturday. If she doesn't, we'll money too I think.
vongolaprimo At least that's what she told me.
vongolaprimo *we'll lose money too
vongolaprimo Anyways..Idk what to do now..
vongolaprimo I was going to suggest that maybe she can like..
vongolaprimo as someone like...to borrow money
eytang8@yahoo.com Well, what would cancelling the check have done?
vongolaprimo well
vongolaprimo if she canceled the check, the landlord or whoever it was wouldn't be able to get the money
eytang8@yahoo.com But if you signed a contract...
vongolaprimo The contract would be nullified if they don't get the payment that we need to pay.
vongolaprimo That's what she told me.
eytang8@yahoo.com There's no other way to end the contract?
vongolaprimo So yeah..I was planning on asking her if maybe she can owe someone money until she can get that money back and use that to pay it back
vongolaprimo Um yeah there isn't. Unless someone else rents the place out other than us.
eytang8@yahoo.com dang
vongolaprimo But if I suggest that she'd get pissed probably lol
vongolaprimo hmm maybe I should suggest using my savings...there's only about 900 dollars in there so she needs more..
eytang8@yahoo.com If you can't get the cash back 'till later... Maybe you could borrow from the landlord until then
vongolaprimo lol.
eytang8@yahoo.com So when you get the money back, you just pay it back to them
vongolaprimo I don't think the landlord will. He'd say it's my money or something and he'd say probably why should I help you? You chose a different place than my apartment lol
vongolaprimo yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com Maybe you guys could negotiate something with the people on Tilden, then?
vongolaprimo Probably.
vongolaprimo I'm not gonna suggest anything today though
vongolaprimo since she's still mad.
vongolaprimo but yeah thx for sharing ideas.
eytang8@yahoo.com I hope that it works out...
vongolaprimo yeah..
eytang8@yahoo.com It might help to read up on apartments and stuff online
vongolaprimo yeah my mom already did that
vongolaprimo on the same site too lol
vongolaprimo so, what's up?
eytang8@yahoo.com not really anything
vongolaprimo oh.
vongolaprimo hey do u know anything about the battle in the pacific? A friend just asked me, but I don't recall anything..
eytang8@yahoo.com Which battle in the Pacific?
eytang8@yahoo.com WWI? WWII?
eytang8@yahoo.com Or some other war?
vongolaprimo yeah that's what I'm asking her right now
vongolaprimo Because a lot of war happened around in the Pacific right? lol
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't know off the top of my head
eytang8@yahoo.com but I'd guess that more than one did
vongolaprimo she gave me a date. Happened around 1939 - 1940. I'm guessing it' part of WW 2
eytang8@yahoo.com Probably
vongolaprimo you guys haven't talked about WW2 in Euro yet?
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't know really in depth, though
eytang8@yahoo.com Pacific would mean battles in Asia
vongolaprimo Yeah.
vongolaprimo Guess it involves Japan and the US..
eytang8@yahoo.com most likely
vongolaprimo yeah.
vongolaprimo But a lot of battles happened around there. But, I don't know like..what battle is what lol
vongolaprimo hm I guess I'll just tell her that those two countries were involved
vongolaprimo sigh..meanwhile I have m quadratic equations to worry about.
vongolaprimo It's kinda easy, but it's too long. =_=
vongolaprimo and kinda annoying =_=
eytang8@yahoo.com tedious
vongolaprimo yeah.
vongolaprimo So you got called azn dzenan, L, and gay?
vongolaprimo wtf?
vongolaprimo where did gay come from though?
eytang8@yahoo.com some guy in my japanese class
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo and christine or whatever her name was called u L?
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com said I looked like him
vongolaprimo isn't that the chick that Jared likes or something?
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo yeah with ur attire
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo but ur attire was pretty cool today though
vongolaprimo if u looked gay
eytang8@yahoo.com Jared might like her or Sana
vongolaprimo it's good
vongolaprimo lol
eytang8@yahoo.com I have no clue, but he always comes up to them
vongolaprimo lol
eytang8@yahoo.com and obviously tries to be interesting or whatever
vongolaprimo I kinda thought Christine was kinda cute back in 8th
vongolaprimo but she kinda changed and became one of those girls
eytang8@yahoo.com She kind of is
vongolaprimo so like..
eytang8@yahoo.com I dunno
vongolaprimo she yeah
vongolaprimo I mean back then she doesn't really dress like that, she dresses like...regular shirt and jeans..and she doesn't wear like what's those thing called...
vongolaprimo the clothes that like...shirts but it doesn't have like the sleeves
eytang8@yahoo.com tank top?
vongolaprimo http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.indiamart.com/texwelcreations/pcat-gifs/products-small/ladies-sando.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.indiamart.com/texwelcreations/ladies-wear.html&usg=__Z1u7D2knF8Y0HN41wlDPyFjMK5c=&h=200&w=200&sz=15&hl=en&start=13&tbnid=weTPnc4EZfCkjM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsando%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG
vongolaprimo like those
vongolaprimo fuck wrong link huh?
vongolaprimo http://www.indiamart.com/texwelcreations/pcat-gifs/products-small/ladies-sando.jpg
eytang8@yahoo.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleeveless_shirt
vongolaprimo yeeah like those
vongolaprimo anyways yeah dood she dresses all simple and nerdy back then
vongolaprimo which made her cute I guess
eytang8@yahoo.com I never paid all that much attention...
vongolaprimo lol
eytang8@yahoo.com Kinda noticed her last year
vongolaprimo well I never actually remember cuz I see her all the time.
vongolaprimo back in 8th
vongolaprimo she was everywhere
vongolaprimo anyways I think I only talked to her once when we had that 8th grade portfolio thing?
vongolaprimo Do u remember that?
eytang8@yahoo.com I remember the portfolio
eytang8@yahoo.com not her, though
vongolaprimo yeah
vongolaprimo I was with her that day I think
vongolaprimo cuz it lasted for like 3 days right?
vongolaprimo I was assigned on a thurday I think something like that
vongolaprimo Anyways you know when we had to wear nice clothing?
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't remember
vongolaprimo lol u don't remember?
vongolaprimo Anyways yeah we had to wear business clothing and stuff
eytang8@yahoo.com What, graduation?
eytang8@yahoo.com The exit interview?
vongolaprimo um no it was for the yeah the exit interview
vongolaprimo I only really remembered her because of what she was wearing during the exit interview lol she looked really nice in her clothing.
eytang8@yahoo.com mm...
eytang8@yahoo.com I think Mitchell used to like her or something
vongolaprimo lol that's funny
vongolaprimo I thought he'd stay uh..what'st the word...loyal to that Courtney girl...? Oh yeah devoted lol
eytang8@yahoo.com What about Jasmine, then?
vongolaprimo Hm..not sure. Would he stay devoted to her...? Wait what do u mean by that?
eytang8@yahoo.com Don't you remember that day?
vongolaprimo Oh
vongolaprimo when he confessed?
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah
vongolaprimo Yeah I do.
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm kinda guessing that he doesn't like Courtney any more or something like that
vongolaprimo Yeah of course.. Like..the news that Mitchell liking Jasmine was a shocker.
eytang8@yahoo.com Hm, I wasn't really affected by it, but I guess I kinda didn't expect that
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo I wasn't affected by it, but that just sort of happened outta nowhere
eytang8@yahoo.com It did kinda seem that way
vongolaprimo I thought he was just doing some bet with Dzenan
vongolaprimo and like
vongolaprimo idk
vongolaprimo I didn't expect him to actually do it
eytang8@yahoo.com The bet was just to see if Dzenan cared
eytang8@yahoo.com not to bet
vongolaprimo ah I see.
vongolaprimo lol so it was to spite Dzenan a little? xD
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't know what happened with Dzenan, though
vongolaprimo hm idk
eytang8@yahoo.com I mean, Dzenan and Jasmine
vongolaprimo Dzenan didn't seem like..bothered by it.
vongolaprimo He was probably expecting
vongolaprimo what would happen
vongolaprimo Anyways, I heard lots of things bout Dzenan
vongolaprimo so like..him going out with Jasmine is like...
vongolaprimo chances are a bit slim
eytang8@yahoo.com You're being generous
eytang8@yahoo.com Chances are way worse than that
vongolaprimo lol yeah I guess I just didn't want to be mean and say it straight
vongolaprimo but yeah
vongolaprimo I heard he kissed July in Jasmine's birthday lol
eytang8@yahoo.com I think he knows that
eytang8@yahoo.com it's not gonna happen
vongolaprimo and that kinda turned Jasmine off
vongolaprimo I mean I heard Jasmine liked him at one point, but after that....
vongolaprimo yeah.
eytang8@yahoo.com Really?
eytang8@yahoo.com Jasmine liked him?
vongolaprimo Yeah I heard about this convo
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm really surprised
vongolaprimo when I was walking with Mitchell, Sarah, and Mady
vongolaprimo Sarah the..short hair girl one
vongolaprimo idk how to spell her name properly but yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com Jasmine liked Dzenan?
vongolaprimo Anyways, Sarah and Mady we're just like.....yeah we think he's confused and stuff
vongolaprimo yeah Jasmine kinda thought about Dzenan
eytang8@yahoo.com I definitely didn't expect that
vongolaprimo don't tell anyone I told you
vongolaprimo cuz like..this convo was like..
vongolaprimo long time ago and I don't wanna like bring it up again
eytang8@yahoo.com The way Dzenan said it, it seemed like she hates him or something
vongolaprimo besides I only heard this so I'm not entirely sure
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm
vongolaprimo hm yeah I heard something bout that too
vongolaprimo but yeah
vongolaprimo lol btw imma try to add christine lol I bet she doesn't remember me though. Imma try to add her anyways lol
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm not stopping you
vongolaprimo lol yeah..
vongolaprimo I just realized that talking to girls isn't that hard...but I usually start with online chat first though.
eytang8@yahoo.com m
eytang8@yahoo.com m
vongolaprimo Anyways I'm not gonna go for this christine chick imma just add her lol she outta my league anyways
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah, chat is pretty easy
vongolaprimo lol idk why I had a hard time talking to Allie
vongolaprimo But...if I didn't mess up back then maybe I could've been talking to her in real person..
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't know what to say...
vongolaprimo Yeah..she's like the only girl I don't talk to in real person that I talked to online
vongolaprimo I mean..idk I guess I still like her
vongolaprimo Anyways, what's going with you and Erika?
eytang8@yahoo.com Bleh, I can't gage anything
vongolaprimo so....I'm guessing ur stuck where u are huh?
eytang8@yahoo.com gauge
eytang8@yahoo.com bleh
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't even know where I am
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo r u going to give up on her..?
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't know how I feel right now
eytang8@yahoo.com Monday I was happy 'cause she put her arm over my shoulders as we walked...
eytang8@yahoo.com but I dunno
vongolaprimo hmm
vongolaprimo well at least ur kinda getting closer...in a friend way.
vongolaprimo I'm nowhere.
vongolaprimo it's probably because I'm like Dzenan now.
vongolaprimo Confused.
vongolaprimo I don't know who I'm chasing anymore.
vongolaprimo Like..the feelings I've been having with Allie...like..they just dissapeared. Well I still like her, but that kinda weird idk exciting feeling just disappeared. Like I don't even feel like..hurt anymore but like..I don't feel like trying anymore. Like..idk I can't feel anything?
vongolaprimo *for Allie lol
eytang8@yahoo.com Sometimes I think I feel kinda like that about Erika...
vongolaprimo Yeah. I guess it's the feelings of giving up...
vongolaprimo that what it seems like.
vongolaprimo I was kinda thinking bout this during 5th period
vongolaprimo and then I remember Allie telling me once that I can't just give up.
vongolaprimo and that kinda..just got stuck in my head for awhile.
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm...
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo I'm looking at that convo right now..
vongolaprimo actually happened on Valentine's day.
eytang8@yahoo.com ah...
vongolaprimo yeah she said don't give up on everything.
eytang8@yahoo.com I feel lost, bleh.
vongolaprimo there's still others out there
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo hm
vongolaprimo come to thnk of it
vongolaprimo .....wonder what happened to Harvestpool...
eytang8@yahoo.com Probably off somewhere having adventures
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo haha yeah like she said she would
vongolaprimo hope she didn't like die in one of em...
eytang8@yahoo.com naw, no way
vongolaprimo yeah..i guess. I bet she already forgot bout me.
vongolaprimo It seems like she was just some distraction so I can forget about Allie or something
vongolaprimo because the last convo I had with her
vongolaprimo was me telling her that I started to like a new girl
eytang8@yahoo.com mm?
vongolaprimo like..
vongolaprimo when I said I started to like a new girl...
vongolaprimo she told me to focus on the new girl instead
eytang8@yahoo.com Maybe it's just what she thinks is best
vongolaprimo so I'm guessing...maybe she was trying to make me forget bout her...so Allie wouldn't be bothered that weird guy likes her.
vongolaprimo or u could be right.
vongolaprimo lol Harvestpool's impression of Mitchell
vongolaprimo "They sound like rude immature little kids"
vongolaprimo Actually not just Mitchell, but Dzenan too
eytang8@yahoo.com Mitchell can be an asshole, yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com Dzenan tends to be more immature